How to choose your wedding dress ?

by | May 21, 2021 | advice

For your wedding, it is important to make the necessary preparations. It is for this purpose that we distinguish the wedding dress among these numerous preparations. But how to choose it? We will give you the best tips to make the right choice.

Choose a dress that suits your body type and a good companion

The wedding dress is that particular white dress that a woman traditionally wears for her wedding ceremony. So, to make the right choice of your wedding dress, it is first necessary to choose it according to your morphology. Indeed, you must choose a dress that really enhances you, a model that will be more adapted to your silhouette. If you have a round shape, you should choose a flowing model; if you are a long girl, choose a model that is very close to the body; you may prefer an American neckline if you have a very marked shoulder line. Next, make sure you choose the right companion to get an objective opinion on the dresses you try on. So avoid coming with the girlfriends who will disturb you with their endless comments. You should choose someone who is known for her outspokenness and good taste.

Choose the right dress with the right accessories and make sure you feel good


The choice of your wedding dress must also include the accessories you put on it. Indeed, if you have to choose the accessories of your dress in reference to your belief, origin, etc., then you should opt for the veil, the gloves, the flowers and others that really meet your criteria. However, if you have to choose the accessories themselves, as far as the veil is concerned, opt for a simple veil if the dress is already very busy and for a more elaborate veil if the dress is very simple. Short veils are more suitable for small figures and long ones give softness to the silhouette. Also, make sure that you feel comfortable in your dress, that you can move well, that you choose a dress that matches your everyday temperament, your personality, etc. Strict adherence to these tips will lead you to make a good choice of your wedding dress.




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